Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 1: Teamwork

Week 1 of lab we were able to get the blog designed and functioning. This time was also for us to get to better know our group members. Going forward to next week I personally will work to enhance the blog and make it visually appealing and house all of the necessary information.  
After discussing Professor Mitchell’s site on teamwork with Aaron and Dan, and having worked with them individually on separated tasks I feel like we will be able to capitalize on one another’s strengths and weaknesses. The biggest challenge that our group faces is meeting up outside of lab time due to various conflicts, Dan is a commuter so he is not here on weeknights and Aaron and myself both leave campus Thursday due to our job commitments at home. In order to overcome this it might become vital for just two members to meet and communicate what was discussed with the other member, additional ways to solve this problem are web meetings via skype. Communication will be a vital aspect of this course, we need to commute ideas clearly and effectively in order to alleviate the problems of duplicating work and or missing work because no one was focused on it. Communication will come in a variety of forms the most common will be text message, however should images need to be communicated this will occur via email or a separate section of the blog where we are able to collaborate our ideas. Major decisions will be made by the group, however minor decisions should be made by the individual whose role in the group covers that task. Should a problem arise as we progress though the term we will firs try to work it out amongst ourselves, if this fails we will move to looking at Professor Mitchell’s site, if this unfortunately fails we will contact our project advisor for suggestions.

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