Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 1: Teamwork

In Week 1 our newly formed bridge design group was given the opportunity to get together and meet each other. Our group of Ryan, Aaron, and I teamed up and began to set up our blog. I have known Ryan for a good amount of time, but Aaron I have just met. I believe that we will collaborate well though. These next few weeks will be a crucial time for brainstorming ideas if we want to be successful in this project. I plan on spending some quality thinking time on my own, as well as the brainstorming we will do together. I will have to do my best to make our outside of class meetings work, as I have an hour commute to campus every day. Though this is a small obstacle, it is nothing that cannot be overcome. We will utilize the resources of text messaging, telephone, email, Facebook, and/or an online web chat site such as Skype if need be to effectively communicate our progress and obstacles. I plan to use the West Point Bridge Design as a vital tool in designing an efficient bridge. I plan on becoming familiar with the program and designing multiple sketch bridges in order to learn some of the ins and outs of truss design. I will also be spending some time learning the blogger site. As of right now it’s still a little fuzzy on how everything works. Hopefully after collaborating with each other in week 2’s lab I will be comfortable with using it.


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